Monday, January 4, 2010

A YEAR in did i get here?

It's a "New Year" and believe it or not it feels "New" many years i'm working (sew sew sew)  straight thru the holidays, that it all just becomes one big blur, but not in '09.  In '09, i moved to MIAMI, "transitioning" into teaching Fashion Design at a couple of the colleges i thought.  Once i moved here (after being told i had a job), and started settling in...all that changed.  The position did not materialize for one reason or another (hiring freezes, out of nowhere master degrees need, as soon as we get an opening...blah blah blah).  Well..I AM SSSSSTILL WAITING (w/the promise of being hired).  It will be one year soon and...STILL NO GIG. 
I thought this could be the "transitional change" (from the fashion hustle) that i could welcome." 
Yes i'm a bit "worn out" w/shady fabric suppliers, production companies bulls*it, sample maker lies, fashion industry racism, designers envy/hating, models elitist attitudes, etc.......(yeah yeah yeah...and!?!)
After some "stupid Stupid STUPIDs"...there was no denying it...i needed to pick up were i left off and start designing & selling SHAKA KING MENSWEAR full-time again (back to the fashion hustle). 
One small problem...i don't have a, pre-customer base or support infrastructure, or the " i gotta have me a shaka piece" peeps, here in MIA-yo.  sooooooooooooooooooooooooo
NOW I must, get out here and really hustle @ getting my name and my product out, in a strange new land...(once again).  Hey i've been here before...what do i do, what must i do. 
NEW game plan (work smarter) a NEW year('10)...i am starting aNEW (embracing technology)...with a new "familiar" friend.
"CHANGE" (on soooo many levels) is the mantra...i'll be embracing, for 2010.